環境エネルギーネットワーク・ネクスト ENET-next


Major Track Record

  • Supported Japan’s Ministry of Environment’s program on the development of high efficiency air conditioning system by combining liquid desiccant and water coolant heat pump as part of the development and verification program for the reduction of carbon dioxide emission
  • Supported a private company with energy saving amount calculations to apply for 2015 Japanese government program for energy rationalization
  • Appointed by the City of Kobe to conduct a research for “the improvement of water treatment in Indonesia”
    • Foundational research on the state of water treatment in the City of Depok, Indonesia, and facilitation of discussion between Depok and Kobe City personnel
  • Supported Japan’s Ministry of Environment’s 2017 research program on the feasibility of the popularization of co-benefit type solar energy air conditioning system
  • Supported representatives from Garut Regency, Indonesia with their observation tour in Kobe to investigate environment and energy technologies (in collaboration with the City of Kobe Asian Market Entry Support Center)
  • Joined the observation tour in Vietnam and Cambodia organized by the City of Kobe Asian Market Entry Support Center


Conference Presentation

  • The achievement of the Japan’s Ministry of Environment’s 2014 program on the technical cooperation regarding co-benefit type solar energy air conditioning system in Indonesia were presented at the following conferences
    • 14th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR2015) (August 2015, at Indonesia)
    • The International Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT2015) (October 2015, at Indonesia)
    • 2015 Annual Conference of Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (November, 2015)


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